Loving G-d and the future of humanity: Forming small groups in a post-Christian era
As big churches wane and fade away, and as The Christ is sorting out the new expressions to which his teachings for a new era will materialize, autonomous but networked small spiritual groups will be the avenue through which disciples can support each other. During the time of the persecution of early Christians, as well as during the dark ages of humanity, small networked groups composed of people who fervently lived the life in the Spirit became the keepers of the Light, until such time that the world became ready for it once again. The history of humanity just keeps repeating itself and the time is now to learn spiritual technologies for use in small group formations, such as meditation, ritual construction for home churches, or telepathic know-how for consciousness connectivity with other similar groups. This sounds fiction, but in fact, the internet is already the physical expression of this process; the development of the nonlocal consciousness part will be next.
Register to participate in "The Basics of Ritual Creation & Theurgy Workshop (Preparing for a post-Christian era home church liturgy)"
Register to participate in the book study of the "Rules of St. Benedict of Nursia (and making it work for small autonomous groups)"
Register to participate in "The Importance of accepting the Inner Christ as one's Personal Lord and Saviour as the start of the sanctification process: An esoteric perspective"